Saturday, December 9, 2017


Sebastian Seibel-Achenbach discussed the failure to date in pumping the Elmira Aquifers. He stated that essentially the flow rates are unchanged appreciably. He also quoted Jason Rice (M.O.E.) as having said privately that "progress is diluted" apparently by the lack of dramatically increased pumping.

Three TAG members took turns discussing various monthly Lanxess Progress Reports since the last TAG meeting in July. Linda Dickson, Sebastian and Susan Bryant all took turns giving their impressions of the July, August and September Progress Reports.

The biennial Bio-Monitoring Report dealing with clams and leeches in the creek as it flows through the Chemtura/Lanxess property was described by Joe Kelly. Joe has a unique sense of humour which was appreciated by all present. He also was not impressed with many parts of this report although especially with its' ongoing apologetic tone that stated that the results needed to be regarded as tentative due to the number of cages of critters (clam & leeches) that were washed away by the flood on June 23/24, 2017. Joe also criticized the lack of downstream monitoring locations totalling but one as a second one was washed away.

Pat Mclean also criticized this report for its' lack of downstream monitoring. David Hofbauer indicated that the locations also are inadequate in that some of the locations are on the outside corners whereas the inside corners are more likely to have greater deposits of sediments.There was also the observation that concentrations in the critters seem to rise the year after there's been a flood such as after the 2000 and 2004 floods. The complete lack of suspended sediment measurements, contrary to Dr. Richard Jackson's strong recommendations was also pointed out. Susan Bryant advised that the long ago vaunted removal of the DDT piles on the north-west creekbank were not up to snuff. They were only partly excavated and then the area was capped. Sebastian came right out and questioned Aquatox's integrity regarding their "totally inadequate" report.

As a result of these discussions and comments TAG unanimously passed a Motion requesting that this testing be redone in its' entirety in 2018.

Susan Bryant suggested that repeated sampling at the taxpayers' expense over a period of many years was nothingh more than building sand castles at low tide on the beach. In other words as the incoming tide washes away the work, similarly floods in the Cangagigue Creek do the same thing with contaminated sediments in the creek. Hence we only know what used to be there and we haven't removed any of it from the natural environment.

Allegedly there will be provisional results of the east side soil testing ready sometime in February. We've heard that one before so we will just have to wait and see. Both Susan and Tiffany Svensson (TAG Chair) have asked both Ramin and Dwight of Chemtura/Lanxess for far better maps of the testing locations in the creek. This is in regards to the further sediment and floodplain soil sampling done this past summer and fall.

As stated previously TAG are trying to the best of their abilities but they are working with both hands tied behind their backs. This is precisely as Chemtura/Lanxess and the M.O.E. want it with assistance from elements within Woolwich Council.

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