Friday, August 17, 2012


Today's Woolwich Observer (pg.4) has a public announcement titled "Notice OF Public Meeting To Develop A Community Liaison Committee". This CLC is for the approved Bio-Energy project to be built on Martin's lane in Elmira. A couple of weeks back I indicated here that the BFCC (Bio-Fuel Citizens Committee) and Woolwich Bio-En had come to an agreement which included the formation of this citizens' Liaison Committee.

The public meeting will be held on August 22/12, 7 pm. at Lion's Hall in Elmira. Preliminary Terms of Reference for the CLC will be explained as well Woolwich Bio-En will be available to answer questions from the public. Keep in mind that it appears as if all parties are dealing in good faith here but it is always helpful to have citizens come out and show a strong interest in keeping a new industry responsive to local residents concerns. "Bio-En will also be requesting volunteers from community members that are interested in participating in the CLC.".

It is my prior understanding that two current BFCC members will be part of this CLC and that Woolwich Bio-En will be appointing two more. Although the community strongly opposed this location in Elmira, our Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Energy and provincial government were not supportive or helpful. While it is appropriate to deal with the reality of this new industry situated close to residences in a constructive manner, nevertheless I believe very few citizens will forget the lack of support much less honest communications from the provincial level.


  1. You are right on Sir. We will NOT forget, nor forgive the Province of Woolwich Township for allowing a biowaste dump in our backyards. We will pay for the odours, smells, trucks, noise and other intrusions arising from this facility. We will further pay MONEY to subsidize this sham called "green energy". We will further suffer with reduced property values. I hope the Advocate will continue monitor this story. Thank you.

  2. While we may disagree on the culpability of Woolwich Township nevertheless your opinion is totally appropriate and welcome here in the context of this posting.
